Meet Shannon: Senior Manager Digital Experience & Platform Analytics at Comcast
What do you love most about your job? Working at Comcast has allowed me to explore my interests without sacrificing my career. Through tuition reimbursement, the gig program, relentless networking, I’ve been able to explore and get experience in design at Comcast without leaving my role in data and starting over again. I’ve also found that there are many good people at this company willing to help me when I’ve voiced what I wanted. I’ve made connections that have introduced new connections that have evolved into friendships – and that says a lot coming from an introvert!
What are the biggest obstacles you see for young women in the media, entertainment and/or technology industries? I think it’s important to personalize the meaning of success. That can be hard to do with the influx of information and societal values from mainstream and social media. Figuring out what success means to you can buffer the noise.
What do you value most about your membership with The WICT Network? I love the exposure to new and different relationships that I might not have been introduced to during my day job. WICT provides a common ground to start from, like an icebreaker.
Since March 2020 I’ve learned… A ton. I learned screenprinting, web design, how to make croissants, watercolor painting, the basics of Figma, got certified in digital art and project management, I could keep going – I’m restless! And I learned about prioritizing what really matters to me and my life, freeing myself from my ego (still a WIP), and how to set boundaries and have uncomfortable conversations.
My favorite mantra is… I don’t know that I have one! As an avid runner, I often think of the saying about the worst run is the run that didn’t happen and applying that to other areas of my life. I never regret a run once it’s over, even a bad one. The saying reminds me to act …things aren’t just going to happen to me because I wished for them.
One book, TV show, or movie I’d recommend (and why!) is…
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert and The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Topically similar, but Cameron’s book includes exercises. Both encouraged and helped me build confidence to push towards my passions, and to recognize and rephrase excuses I’ve built up as defense mechanisms to not pursue those passions.