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Natasha McKale: EDS Scholarship Winner!

This year I was fortunate enough to be selected as the recipient of The WICT’s Greater Philadelphia, Fall Executive Development Series (EDS): Executive Leadership Presence Scholarship held in the beautiful city of Nashville, TN led by Terri Nimmons and Denise Wallace. Prior to heading to Nashville, we were tasked with some pre-work of a self-assessment and a video of ourselves expressing our expectations of the program. I won’t lie, it took me roughly 30 failed videos before sending the one I felt comfortable with. Despite my hesitancy with sending out the video, I was excited because this assignment already had me growing and stepping outside my comfort zone before I set foot into the program. This excitement followed me into the two days I spent with everyone, learning more about myself as well as the women who attended the program with me.

Throughout the Executive Development Series we were able to peel back the layers of first impressions, fixed vs. growth mindset, our beliefs and values, having better conversations and the 5 P’s of Leadership brand: Persona, Product, Packaging, Promotion and Permission. We quickly got to know one another, asked questions and challenged ourselves to be open as well as present. Kicking off, we began with our “Best Play of 2024”. The group had to think of something we were proud of and accomplished this year and then told our story in small groups to women we had never met. As women, we often forget to focus on what we do right or what we are proud of, and I was amazed to hear the accomplishments of the women who surrounded me. It’s nice to brag about yourself once in a while, everyone should try it!

Some other noteworthy activities for me were storytelling, practicing gratitude and self-assessing. These sound simple but digging into them opened my eyes and gave them more meaning that I will continue to carry with me throughout my career journey. Did you know when someone is telling you a story that all parts of your brain are lighting up? Fun fact! We listened and were listened to, we openly expressed gratitude to one another and were encouraged to self-assess which challenged me to grow in ways I was not expecting.

Even though I did not know anyone walking into this experience, I felt that it made my time so much better. Everyone you meet knows something you don’t know, they have a story you’ve never heard and I am better for having met all of these women and sharing this experience with them. Growing can be uncomfortable and it takes physical and mental strength, but it is necessary and can often lead to pleasant surprises. I left this conference with a big smile as well as with the tools, knowledge and confidence that I can take with me as I continue to grow in my career. Thank you for a wonderful experience!

Learn More about the Executive Development Series Here.


The WICT Network

Chapter: Greater Philadelphia


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